Segnalazioni | Autore: Lo staff della Su e Zo

“Detourism: La newsletter di Venezia”, the official Town of Venice Tourism Office Newsletter, takes us to a special tour to the secret gardens ov Venice! Enjoy your reading!

5 gardens to visit this autumn.

  1. Palazzetto Bru Zane garden

The Palazzetto Bru Zane is a small jewel of late seventeenth-century Venetian architecture. Today it houses the Centre de musique romantique française, which studies and promotes the French Romantic repertoire. A secluded garden, populated with cherubs, among white roses and hydrangeas, welcomes the visitors. Every Thursday afternoon you can take a free guided tour at the Palazzetto Bru Zane (available in Italian, English and French).

  1. Ca’ Rezzonico garden

Ca’ Rezzonico, an ancient noble palace that now houses the Museum of 18th-century Venice, has a charming garden, redisegned in 2002 by the architect Giorgio Bellavitis, who used typical elements of a “Venetian palace garden” such as geometric pattern, a pergola covered with wisteria and a wellhead. A new children’s playground opened recently in the garden. You can freely access the garden during the museum’s opening hours, from Friday to Sunday.

  1. Carlo Scarpa’s Garden at Querini Stampalia Museum

Dating back to the 1950s, the garden designed by the Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa is hidden inside an internal courtyard of the sixteenth-century Querini Stampalia palace. Carlo Scarpa turned a typical Venetian courtyard into a delightful hortus conclusus, reinterpreting Arabic and Japanese traditions. The museum, and its garden, is open from Tuesday to Sunday.

  1. Peggy Guggenheim Collection garden

Before entering Palazzo Venier dei Leoni, Peggy Guggenheim’s former home and today one of the most important museums of European and American art of the twentieth century in Italy, you cross the sculpture garden, a natural setting for the works of art exhibited here. The museum is open daily, except Tuesdays. Guided tours are available before the museum opens to the public.

  1. The Borges Labyrinth and the wooded garden on San Giorgio Maggiore Island

Every day, except Wednesdays, you can take a tour at the Giorgio Cini Foundation, on the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, and discover its art treasures. Tours also include the top view of the Borges Garden-labyrinth, a park created in memory of the famous Argentine writer. It is one of the ten finalists of the competition Il parco più bello d’Italia (The best park in Italy) in 2019. There is also a densely wooded garden nestled in the island, which hosts the Vatican Chapels, an installation of 11 chapels designed by a dozen architects for the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale.

Venice gardens, green parks and natural oases

[source: La newsletter di Venezia, n. 35 del 18.09.2020]
[picture: TGS Eurogroup]

We are proud to publish some selected contents of such newsletter (see previous post: “Detourism for the Up and Down the Bridges“). On our website, in several episodes, we will only present some samples (see all posts in our archive page “Detourism Newsletter“), but the invitation addressed to all the friends of the Up and Down the Bridges is to subscribe to the newsletter directly.
Special thanks to the Councillor for Tourism for having enthusiastically welcomed this new important collaboration between TGS Eurogroup and the Tourism Office of the Town of Venice and for giving us the precious opportunity to publish on the pages of this blog some extracts from this newsletter, both in Italian and in English.

To receive the newsletter “Detourism” directly in your email box every fortnight fill in the online form proposed by the Town of Venice.

Discover all the itineraries of #Detourism to explore a different Venice, promoted as part of the #EnjoyRespectVenezia awareness campaign of the Town of Venice.
Adopt conscious and respectful behaviors of the cultural and natural heritage of Venice and its lagoon, a site protected by UNESCO.

Sustainable Tourism Service of the Town of Venice:
Facebook: @DetourismVeneziaOfficial
Instagram: @Detourismvenezia
Twitter: @DetourismVenice

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