Welcome to the “Su e Zo per i Ponti di Venezia”: a unique event!
Su e Zo (“Up and Down the Bridges” walk) is a spring event that involves thousands of people in a walk for solidarity around Venice alleys: young and not-so-young people, families, school groups, sport teams, all together in a day devoted to meeting, friendship and solidarity.
Discovering Venice
Every year different itineraries twist and turn through the less known areas of the city on the water, also touching its most famous landmarks. A day of sustainable tourism, respecting the city we are in, its art, its history, its real soul and its essence.
The catch phrase: «Everyone Celebrate!»
The slogan for the 2025 “Up and Down the Bridges” is “Everyone Celebrate!”: an invitation to rediscover the joy of coming together on a festive day for the entire city of Venice. But there’s an even more significant reason to celebrate: the 45th edition of the Su e Zo also marks the recognition and patronage of the Universal Jubilee of the Catholic Church in 2025, echoing its message of jubilation and joy from Venice to the whole world, along with the Jubilee’s own motto, “Pilgrims of Hope”.
For this reason, the Cultural Itinerary of the “Up and Down the Bridges” this year offers an in-depth exploration of the representation and traditions of pilgrimages in Venice over the centuries, with a focus on the places, customs, and events of the local church that remain a meaningful part of residents’ lives today. These include citywide pilgrimages during celebrations such as the Feast of the Redentore, the Madonna della Salute, and many others, which also serve as opportunities for gathering and sharing, even for those who come to Venice specifically for these occasions.
Any earnings coming from the “Up and Down the Bridges” walk have always been offered to organisations working in the educational or social fields, especially the schools of the local territory and the Salesian missions around the world.
In 2024 they will be given to the Salesian Missions of Holy Land.
The “Up and Down the Bridges” walk is a real day of celebration: several folk groups put on their performance either in Saint Mark’s square or in the smaller open spaces along the itinerary, creating a jubilation of colours and sounds that leave happy memories in everyone.
The event is promoted by the associations: TGS Eurogroup – A.Ge.S.C. (Associazione Genitori Scuole Cattoliche) – C.T.G. (Centro Turistico Giovanile) – ExAllievi Don Bosco – F.I.S.M. (Federazione Italiana Scuole Materne) – N.O.I. Associazione (Nuovi Oratori Italiani) – Salesiani Cooperatori – Associazione San Francesco della Vigna – with Patronage by Italian Navy, Veneto Region, Metropolitan City of Venice, Venice City Council, North Adriatic Sea Port Authority, Jubilee 2025 Dicastery for Evangelization Vatican City – in collaboration with Venice City Council, Office for Events Planning & Management / Traditions Safeguarding and Office for Tourism Communication.